Sunday, September 16, 2018

Happy Sunday!

Well, the weekend is almost over and back to the grindstone!

Below is a family of warthogs foraging around the water hole.

Some Zebra.....

Eland enjoying their freedom

A female black wildebeest enjoying a scratch!

Mother rhino and her calf

Sleep tight! see you soon!

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Good Morning!!

It's been a while since I posted anything! Life has a way of engulfing one and we get so busy with other things.
Anyway we are still visiting "Mohondoro."

A view from the verandah which overlooks the watering hole and distand bush and veld. The wild animals approach this area on a daily basis, especially the elephants who love drinking from the swimming pool!

Some of the delicious meals we enjoyed.

Sorry, but I cannot for the life of me remember the names of all the above dishes! Just take my word for it........ they were divine!!
Happy weekend. See you soon!