Thursday, September 19, 2013

Taking a break.......

Dear friends and family. I am going off with my husband down to the Karoo again! We need to check up on the building alterations and catch up with dad. He's an amazing person who's overseeing everything for us and taking care of the house. Charles wants to just disappear for a few days and spend some time with me taking photographs, sightseeing and relaxing! He has very little time to relax these days so this will be a much deserved break. In fact we spend such little time together and every moment is so precious especially if it's with your best friend and companion! I feel so blessed having somebody who loves me and enjoys the same things that I do. Just heart-breaking when he has to return to West Africa again in 2 weeks time! We were shortly married when he went off, so it's not easy on any of us, but we try make the best of the little time together!
 We are both taking our cameras with and will spoil you with lots of photos and stories! I can't wait to come home and blog for you. This blog is not about me or for me but about my life and sharing the most precious moments with you. Some of you are close friends and family, extended family and some are even strangers I have never met, but grown fond of via comments, emails and messages!
So, thankyou for following me and supporting me. I hope to not disappoint you. Please pray for our safety as I will do for all your requests. Take care until we get back. God bless.xx

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous that you are together & you have both found such happiness. We are blessed to have you in our family. Look forward to your new photos xx
